



Otterhole :: Tools
Proxy is documentation regarding how to setup a client Socks proxy using Putty and access to an SSH server.

  Live OpenBSD
Liveopenbsd is a Live CD distribution I use myself. It is merely intended as a convenient way to run Kismet with an Orinoco/Prism based wireless card. It just works, unlike the other live distributions I found in 2009 which include Kismet.

Pageknocking is like portknocking where a network service is changed only after access a specific webpage.

As an example, the SSH service may not be accessible until after the client accesses a specific web page. The SSH service can also become accessible on the same port as was used for accessing the web page, allowing for multiplexing ports and facilitating access to SSH services through firewalls.

Prfrg is a reporting tool that uses a graphic made from regular text. Originally it was built for the purpose of reporting attempted access through my firewall from the Internet.

 Copyright Otterhole 2007-2010    last updated: 2010/01/13 10:47  .